The Call

Back in November of 2009 I had a series of synchronistic events happen that I recorded in my blog over at the Broken Bokken .... See 'Shamans At Work'

These events led me to the world of Shamanism. To be frank with you, I had no interest in the subject until these events...and since then have been called into this interesting world.

I really don't consider myself a Shaman, but many of the hypnotic practices I have engaged in since the age of 16 are very similar to shamanic practices. upcoming posts I will begin sharing my journeys as I conduct a series of past-life regressions...and maybe some future life progressions.

As Muso Soseki wrote, "for a person of Zen no limits exist."

Please join me as I explore the parameters of consensus and non-consensus reality. Please comment...and let the playful journey begin.

Many Blessings,

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Flying Dreams

As a child, I would often have dreams of flying. I remember feeling scared of falling, but by the time I was in high school I was able to figure out that I was going to be okay and just go with it. I remember this moment particularly as I was flying over a field by the high school and felt myself falling and seeing the sidewalk below.  I told myself I am okay and began to fly back up. From there I felt more in control.

As an adult, I now welcome these dreams. One of my clients, a Native American who has the gift of 'seeing', told me in her tradition these are out of body experiences. She told me she often flew to visit her mentor in Canada. She also told me that when they would meet in the flesh, they would discuss there o.b.e. visits.

For myself, these are wonderful dreams...once I figure out I am dreaming and flying.  Last evening was a bit weird though. I was flying over treelines and was lifting up and rolling backwards...this gives me a vertigo type of feeling that I don't necessarily care for. (I was in a car accident 8 years ago and my car hit black ice...I spun, hit the ditch and went flying backwards...ended upside down, but okay...ever since this motion doesn't settle with me) While this began to happen I told myself, "I am control" and rolled with the flight despite feeling some vertigo.

I awoke and was lying in bed staring at a white ceiling with sprayed texturing of 'popcorn'...the funny thing this was not my bedroom....nor my bed! Cassie, one of our cats who passed away about seven years ago, was there in bed with me. On the wall I could see a bird house with robins in it. One of the robins came to visit...and then I awoke from this dream to find myself in this form in this life.

Just a fun strange dream.  Flying...awaking from that dream into another dream...perhaps now this is another dream...who knows.  Love flying dreams.

To have a flying dream all I do is ask...and I usually will have one. Try it until it happens. The more you have the more you will begin to question consensus reality and its substance, especially the sense of self or it is just plain fun.

That's all for now...
In Gassho,


  1. I dream of flying a lot. The dreams have a bit of a pattern where I fall forward and land 1 - 3 feet from the ground and fly. I then think to myself how "finally I'm flying for real and this time it is not just a dream". It feels so right, natural and obvious that we can do this and so the dream continues with my celebrating how I have remembered how to fly in waking life and not just in dreams.

    Of course when I wake I realize it was another dream. I have had variations on this dream, but with that same scenario, for years.

    It is great fun to fly :-)

  2. It really is fun to fly! Thanks Ta Wan.
